
Helen Laycock
May 25, 2022


Their little hearts were beating

just now,

ticking as

little fingers drew smiles

on Crayola faces

at latticed windows

in wonky houses,

lining families in height

on scribbled lawns,

safe in numbers,

surrounded by flowers.

Their little hearts were racing

just now,

falling into adventures,

teacher lit bright and familiar

above an open book.

Their little hearts were pounding

just now

caught in the thrill

as pencils scratched magical stories

of flying, time travel, invisibility…

Anything was possible

just now,

but not this.

They are stopped clocks.

With one knuckled finger

he knocked them off their little chairs

like funfair ducks.

No time to say prayers.

He didn’t give a f*ck.


I am so, so sorry that this is still happening. My heart breaks for those children and those families whose lives will never be the same…



Helen Laycock

WORD WEAVER: Poetry, Microfiction, Flash, Short Stories, Children’s Books